YAY! finally we meet up!!!! so happy to see you Tami & Bella. oh my god they look prettier. wish that Gia can sit together with us, maybe next time full team.
me & brother... we are like cat vs dog. we often argue, not talking for days, but deep inside i know that he loves me like i do hehe.
5days left to your birthday mom..wish that i can be with you on August 31, but i have to go to Surabaya for ALSA Visit on that date :( huhu feeling sooo sad.....but don't worry, i already prepared something for you gift! LUV!!!!
hehe is it okay if i put one of my pic when i was in jogja? me and my friends went to jogja about 2 weeks ago, we stayed for a night in EduHostel. isn't too far from Kraton. we had so much fun there :D
share the moments
Bandungan, Semarang
External Relation Affairs Division ALSA LC UNDIP
Double Dekker, Solo
with Kak Risty, Dwinda, Dara
WHOA! It's my very very first time in SOLO and i was like 'oh my godddd, cool!' 'what's that!!!?' 'wow.......' and they're laughed at me.
SOLO IS CLEAN! but still hot haha.
and we went to Double Dekker Cafe, so marvellous! i was amazed by the design, the things, and the jukebox!!!!!! awesome! i order club sandwich, it taste good and can make me feel so full in a moment. most of the menu here r western cuisine, and their special menu is their big big big burger! i have to try it next time. hmm about the price? so so... worth it i think.
Touch - Shift K3Y
OneRepublic - Something I Need
Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake - Love Never Felt So Good
life lessons
Jadi ALSA LC Undip kembali hadir dengan program sosialnya yaitu FEWA "Fun English With ALSA", acara ini di selenggarakan setiap hari Sabtu mulai tanggal 3, 10, dan 17 Mei 2014. Program yang diselenggarakan oleh Social Community Division ini tuh melibatkan seluruh member ALSA LC Undip untuk berpartisipasi dalam mengajarkan bahasa inggris kepada anak-anak di tingkat sekolah dasar. for me IT'S SO FUN! i can meet those kids, with their own characteristic. tapi entah kenapa, disekolah ini anak-anaknya agak kurang bersahabat alias agak sedikit nakal.
Langsung aja kali yaaa, jadi aku mau cerita tentang suatu kejadian pada saat aku ngajar disana. 17 Mei itu merupakan hari terakhir FEWA dan ditutup dengan games outdoor yang diikuti oleh para murid disana. Pas lagi pada main games komunikata gitu, ada kelompok yang kalah (namanya juga games, pasti ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah dong) dan di tim kelompok yang kalah ini nyalahin salah satu anggota kelompoknya yang inisialnya 'F', si F dikatain blo'on lah, lemot lah, planga-plongo lah sama temen-temennya sendiri. Emang katanya si F ini agak lambat dalam berpikir, harus dijelasin berkali-kali. F itu orangnya agak pendiem, dari awal aku ngajar di SD itu aku emang agak pay attention sama si F. Jujur, aku kasian banget ngeliat F dibully sama temen-temennya sendiri.
Setelah games itu, F duduk sama temen ku di bawah pohon, langsung aja aku samperin. Terus aku tanya ke F dia kenapa, temenku ngejelasin kalau F sering di bully/dijahatin sama temennya. Tapi aku bener-bener shock denger jawaban dari F, dia bilang "ngga kok mba..." rasanya bener-bener pengen nangis, pas aku lagi sama F temennya ada yang nimpukin batu ke F, yaampun!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THIS WORLD NOWADAYS?!!?! ANAK KELAS 4 SD SIKAPNYA UDAH JAHAT BANGET!!!! heran.... :(:(:(:(:( karena kesal, akhirnya aku bilang aja ke si anak bandel itu "kok jahat sih? ga boleh jahat dong, harus baik sama temennya" dan F ngerespon aku cuma bilang "ngga kok mba, ngga jahat...." SUMPAH PENGEN NANGIS BANGET, TERHARU BANGET GA SIH :(:(:(:'(:'(:'(
Bullying itu bener-bener berdampak buruk bagi mental ataupun psikologis korban, mereka jadi lebih suka menyendiri, mereka ga berani membela diri, mereka pasrah, mereka pasif, dan tentunya menurunkan percaya diri mereka. kalau semenjak sekolah dasar aja udah di bully, bayangin gimana masa depannya? kasian kan? so STOP BULLYING!!! :-)
sssttt wanna know F? .....dia yang paling kanan, yang paling tinggi, yang bajunya dimasukin ke celana.
see the differences? :-(
"berbuat baiklah senantiasa"
Lesson of life
"Because i have brains, i am SMART"
"I want to become a lawyer who defends human rights, the rights of the people, the rights of a child, how they should be treated"
"...i want to work out, my muscles, my hand...because if someone is coming to beat me, i beat him back..."
they teach me to be grateful, they teach me to respect everything in life, and i thank God cause i still can feel the peace of life, i give thanks to have a mother who loves me that much, i'm happy to be a daughter of a super&best dad ever, i grateful cause my brothers always protect me now. Thank you Lord for a good life that you have given to me. and i believe that You also devise the best life for them. They are greater than me, they will get they dreams and amazed the world, they are children but already teach us about life.
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